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DeKalb County Prison Suicide Lawyers

Fighting to Help Our Clients Seek Justice for Their Loved Ones

It’s always heartbreaking when a loved one is incarcerated — regardless of the crime they allegedly committed. The only thing that can make this more tragic is losing the person you love while they’re behind bars. And when police claim they died by their own hand, surviving loved ones no doubt have countless questions to which they need answers. A DeKalb County prison suicide lawyer may be able to help.

At Eshman Begnaud, LLC, our Georgia wrongful death and police misconduct attorneys have seen what can happen due to negligence and wrongful acts in detention facilities. Even if a person is incarcerated for crimes they committed, this doesn’t mean they’re not human beings. State and federal facilities have a responsibility to safeguard inmates, and if they fail in this duty, you may be entitled to compensation.

Contact our law firm today to schedule your free consultation.

How Can Someone Else Be Liable for a Suicide?

When authorities tell you that your loved one took their own life, it’s understandable if you’re not sure how to move forward. You may question whether their account of what happened is true, or you might wonder why there was no supervision to prevent such an incident. Unfortunately, many people assume that there are no legal options available if a loved one allegedly took their own life.

However, this simply isn’t true. The following are just a few of the issues that could leave others legally liable for your loss:

  • Negligent supervision
  • Inadequate mental health care
  • Failure to implement suicide prevention measures
  • Deliberate indifference
  • Inadequate policies and procedures
  • Failure to respond appropriately
  • Institutional culture or systemic issues

Keep in mind that these potential issues are only the tip of the iceberg. Any negligent, reckless, or wrongful act that leads to a loved one’s death could result in legal liability. This is true even if you’re told that the person you love took their own life. Our DeKalb County prison suicide attorneys have seen far too many people fail to exercise their rights — often because they don’t understand them. Don’t let this happen to you.

Our law firm doesn’t get paid unless we recover compensation on your behalf.

Contact us today.

How Is Liability Established in Georgia Prison Suicides?

So, you’ve lost a loved one and it seems as if the wrongful acts of others may have played a role. At this point, you’re probably questioning how you can prove this in court. While the legal process for securing wrongful death damages is complex, it essentially comes down to proving three elements of liability. These elements include:

  • Duty of care: Authorities, police, and prison officials have a duty to avoid actions that could result in harm. They must safeguard the well-being of incarcerated individuals.
  • Violation of duty: A duty of care can be violated in many ways. For instance, perhaps prison guards were not adequately supervising someone with mental health issues.
  • Causation of harm: Duties of care are violated every day in the American prison system. When such violations lead to harm (e.g., the death of a loved one), liability may exist.

At Eshman Begnaud, LLC, our team of DeKalb County prison suicide lawyers understands what you’re up against. We know that proving the elements of liability may seem like a daunting task — especially when you run into prison officials and authorities who seem unwilling to help. Fortunately, our law firm is experienced in handling these cases.

Contact us today for your free consultation. We’re here to help.

What Damages Are Available in Prison Suicide Cases?

The DeKalb County prison suicide lawyers at Eshman Begnaud, LLC fight hard to secure maximum compensation for each of our clients. However, this can look very different depending on the case. In some instances, we may be able to secure a settlement on behalf of you and your loved one. This can result in financial assistance for you — along with changes to the system that could prevent such tragedies from occurring again.

However, litigation will sometimes be necessary. Fortunately, we are trial lawyers unafraid to fight your battle in court. When this happens, there are typically three types of damages we can go after. They include:

Special Damages

Also known as economic damages, this court award focuses on reimbursing individuals for financial losses. Funeral expenses, burial costs, loss of financial support, medical bills, and similar losses would qualify.

General Damages

Also known as non-economic damages, this court award offers compensation for non-monetary losses. Potential damages could include pain and suffering, loss of companionship, emotional distress, and other losses that aren’t easily quantified.

Punitive Damages

When it’s proven that defendants engaged in extreme negligence or egregious behavior, the courts may award punitive damages as a punishment. This form of recovery isn’t guaranteed, but our DeKalb County prison suicide lawyers can help you understand if you qualify.

Contact a Dekalb County Prison Suicide Lawyer Today

Losing a loved one is never easy. However, the situation can become unbearable when it involves suicide while incarcerated in Georgia facilities. Having someone taken away due to incarceration is bad enough, but knowing that they’ll never return can leave you wondering how to move forward. In these situations, it’s important to remember that you have rights — regardless of why your loved one was locked up.

At Eshman Begnaud, LLC, our dedicated legal team diligently advocates for each of our clients. We know that it might seem as if the deck is stacked against you. After all, it’s intimidating to think of taking on the government, relevant agencies, or other entities who may have played a role in this tragic event. Fortunately, you don’t have to fight this battle alone. Our DeKalb County prison suicide lawyers are here to help.

Contact us at (678) 892-7173 to schedule your free consultation.