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DeKalb County Prison Injury Lawyers Representing People Injured While Serving a Prison Sentence

Does Anyone Care If a Prisoner is Injured?

If you are serving a prison sentence and you are injured while serving that sentence, you may be wondering if anyone even cares. You may think no one will lose sleep over a prisoner who is injured during their prison sentence. Even worse, you may feel like you deserve any injuries you receive while in prison. That is a part of your punishment, isn’t it?


Your duty as a person serving a prison sentence is to rehabilitate your ways and learn about why what you did to end up in prison was wrong. You are expected to follow orders, keep your area and yourself clean, and improve so you can one day reenter society as a productive member of your community.

You are not expected to give up your voice. You are not likely to be injured.

What Are Some Common Injuries That Prisoners Suffer?

The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. The United States prison population has increased substantially in recent years, and the amount of injuries prisoners have suffered has also increased.

Some of the most common injuries suffered by prisoners include but are not limited to:

Slip and fall accidents. One of the leading causes of injuries outside of prison usually involves slip and fall accidents. It is not a surprise that incarcerated people also suffer a high level of slip and fall accidents. The cause of slip and fall accidents can range from uneven flooring, loose debris on the floor, and wet floors. Most prisoners are escorted through the prison system while handcuffed, which poses an extra risk if they should slip and fall.

Transportation accidents. Prisoners travel to and from court, medical facilities, and other locations in prison transport vehicles. These vehicles have the same risk as any other vehicle to be involved in a motor vehicle accident, potentially injuring any prisoners in the vehicle.

Unsanitary facilities. The Constitution demands that even prisons be held to a humane degree. This means that the prison must be structurally sound and able to sustain the lives of the prisoners within it. It does not mean that the facility has to be comfortable. This can lead to less than sanitary living conditions. This can lead to the spread of disease, viruses, and illness. Some illnesses have the potential to lead to lifelong complications or even death if not handled properly.

Inappropriate medical attention. Prisoners have a right to seek proper medical attention. This medical attention should be on par with medical attention offered to the general civilian population. If a prisoner receives poor medical attention or they are denied medical attention, it can lead to lifelong medical injuries.

Assault. It is no secret that prisoner-on-prisoner violence, and unfortunately, prison official on prisoner violence, are a very real threat while a prisoner serves their sentence. Injuries can be physical, mental, or even sexual.

What Should You Do if You Are Injured in Prison?

You may feel like you need more resources or that no one will care if you are injured in prison. While it may be harder to seek legal damages as a prisoner, you still have rights. Sometimes, the injury may be egregious, and the court system will have no other course of action other than to take your case seriously.

When someone is injured while serving a prison sentence, they have the ability to file a complaint. Prison officials have a legal duty to use reasonable care in the protection of inmates’ safety and well-being. It is their job to provide a hospitable living environment and to protect the prisoners in their care. They must protect you from other inmates, as well as from other prison officials who may want to injure an inmate.

If you are injured while serving a prison sentence, then your first step should be to file a complaint. Unfortunately, prison officials can make their complaint procedures as complicated as they want. In most instances, a prisoner must exhaust their means of getting their issue resolved. This means that through your various complaints, the prison officials have yet to do anything to remedy the situation, leaving you without any other recourse.

When you have exhausted your resources, what should you do? When a civilian has been injured by the negligence of another who has exhausted all other options, they tend to contact a personal injury lawyer. When a prisoner who has been injured by the negligence or actions of a prison or its officials has run out of all other options, they should contact a prison injury lawyer.

What is a Prison Injury Lawyer?

A prison injury lawyer is very similar to a personal injury lawyer. They help an individual who the prison system has injured get the compensation that they deserve, compensation designed to make right how they have been wronged.

An experienced prison injury attorney, much like the attorneys at Eshman Begnaud, LLC, can help you with your prison injury case. They can help you file your complaint and ensure your complaint is heard and taken seriously. They can determine if your injury is from negligence and if the prison system owes you for that negligence.

Call 404-665-9601 to schedule your free consultation, giving you a chance to tell an experienced attorney about your particular situation. If you are unable to call, or you do not feel safe calling, you can also post a request to the address below:

Eshman Begnaud, LLC
315 W Ponce de Leon Ave
Suite 775
Decatur, GA 30030